Partnership & Rewards
We're looking to expand flarex as further as we can that's when the partnership program takes place
to support our creators that help/contribute on our community!
The partnership is available to those who do the following activities listed below.
Categories & Rewards
Small Content Creators
Small Youtubers - for every content creator below
500 subscribers we only provide in-game support & rewards only. But exceptions can also
be made in different cases depending on the youtubers fanbase.
(50K - 200K Coins/per good Vid)
Content Creation
Big youtubers - If you're above 500 subscribers you're elegible to join
the partnership program. Each of your videos has to meet the following requirements to get fully rewarded :
- 720p Quality & an average fps of 60
- No editor/tools watermarks
- Atleast 5 minute long video
- Average editing skills
- Clear description of the game
(300K+ Coins & 5 Gift codes to giveaway to your fan base + 1/mo of star member for free)
Big YouTubers
If your channel has a good amount of subscribers (2k+) & active fanbase
For each video that meets the previously mentioned requirements on lower categories your reward will be
based on your channel & fanbase.
(Guaranteed : 800K+ Coins / Free access to different game items / 10 Gift codes in case of a giveaway / 2 months of star member for free)
also depending on different factors we will pay you around 5€ to 20€
New Ideas
Coming up with game-changing ideas can be very rewarding! For instance, new concepts, innovative features, and suggestions. If you want to participate, you can join FlareX's Discord server and showcase your ideas! Alternatively, send us an email at [email protected].
(500k - 2M coins & Free seasonal wearables)
We are in constant need of new content, primarily wearables. We'd love to feature designs, especially those from our player base. Moreover, every asset should be original and fit the game seamlessly.
(500k+ coins & Direct access to assets designed by you)
If you're just a regular user but you still want to get rewarded
by inviting a good amount of people to our discord server or our game we'll reward you with
(30K - 150K+ Coins)
If you're contributing to our community and you're still not being rewarded or it's not specified here
please consider joining our discord server and getting in touch with us as soon as possible!
Or feel free to email us at : [email protected]
Side notes : Before getting in touch with us please visit our partnership terms program here!